(front) Parker, Maggie, Jack, Jon, Olivia, Isaac

to get a little closer to the TV

helping mom with his laundry
Ryan gets more fun everyday. He loves his new-found trick of pulling up so now his forehead is covered in bruises from his many crashes. We had a nice weekend at home and are getting ready to head to Clay Center to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas with my mom. Ryan has no idea what's he in for getting to play with his older cousins for four days. I'm sure life will seem boring to him when we return.
(little Ry-guy and his Daddy)
(Steve got Ryan a mini adirondak chair for the lake and Ryan looks so grown up sitting in it)
(here he was loving smiling at the camera but blinked
every time it flashed; he thought it was a game)
My mom was in town Thursday so Ryan got in some good grandma time and enjoyed the company of his Horton cousins that night, too. This past weekend we went to the lake with our friends Tom and Amy Seymour from Lawrence. We had a wonderful time catching up and eating good food. The weather was clear and warm on Saturday so we took a boat ride and enjoyed an evening outdoors by the fire. Ryan was quite the charmer for them and loved the extra attention. He did however christen Amy. He was on her lap playing and having fun, then out of no where and as quick as could be, unleased a gut-full of spit up all down her front. We of course all broke out in hysterics, grabbed the camera, laughed some more, then finally offered to help.
(Amy was a great sport and totally took getting spit up on in stride)(Amy is Todd's oldest friend.
They began preschool together and 22 years later
graduated from law school together.)
With cousins Katie, Maggie and Jonathan
with Nana
with my Aunt Mary from Denver
Ryan and Tessa on the move Ryan hugging Tessa goodbye. He doesn't really
know how to hug but it was a very cute coincidence.
(Ryan, Meghan, Charlie and the crawl-worthy sippy cup)
Ryan "playing" with Abby which really means trying to poke her in the eye.