Monday, December 7, 2009

Dad's Birthday Weekend

The good news is we got a new camera as an early Christmas present! It arrived Friday afternoon so we took it to the lake to test out and it takes amazing photos and is quick enough to capture Ryan's expressions before he moves. The bad news is, I haven't downloaded the software yet to be able to actually get the pictures we took. So I don't have any new pictures this week but promise to soon.

We had a nice weekend at the lake celebrating Todd's birthday. We saw our friends the Riggins who are living there for the winter and have two little boys. Ryan is one mobile kid who wants to play with everything he's not supposed to. He will bypass a dozen of the coolest toys to get to an outlet that he's sure was meant for his little fingers. At one point this weekend he let go of the ottoman and stood by himself for a couple seconds until he decided it was time to go check something else out. We'll see if that was a fluke or a sign of what's to come. He's also repeating sounds and associating them with us, the dog and the bottle. He was evening saying dog this weekend which we thought was awesome. Then we woke up this morning and he was saying dog to everything in sight so perhaps it wasn't that great of an achievement after all:) He's a sweet little guy who is always on the move so we treasure the rare moments when he sits still long enough for us to snuggle him. He loves the edge of rugs, outlets, Callie, and bath or shower time. He hates lying still so diaper changes and clothing changes are a struggle everytime. He changes every minute so we can't wait to see what he's up to next week.

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