Sunday, October 4, 2009

Crawling & Applefest

Creeping, crawling, whatever you call it, Ryan started doing it tonight. We were at the Collins' and Ryan wanted Charlie's sippy cup badly enough that he started crawling to get to it. I guess this is our cue to get out the baby gates!

(Ryan, Meghan, Charlie and the crawl-worthy sippy cup)

Yet another slice of Americana this last weekend...the Versailles (pronounced vur-sales) Applefest. There were very few apples at said Applefest but the corn dogs and people watching were worth the trip. Matt and Katie Fitzgerald and their 14 month old Abby joined us and we had really fun weekend relaxing, taking boat rides and hitting the Applefest. Ryan's still getting over his sinus/ear infection so he did well during the day but gave us a run for our money Saturday night. Hopefully we'll soon get the little guy feeling better 24/7 and breathing more clearly.

Ryan "playing" with Abby which really means trying to poke her in the eye.


  1. He was determined to get that sippy cup! Look out mom & dad!

  2. OMG, I was ROLLING listening to the background conversation of Ryan's crawling video (which was precious by the way). One of the dads (Todd, maybe?) was completely bashing "Toot & Puddle" from Noggin. So funny.

  3. Ok. I have been reading (aka stalking) you for a while now and I am finally commenting...I love seeing your little guy get bigger and you being a mom. It seems you are the wonderful grown-up I always knew you would be!!

    Your lake house must be somewhat close to my in-laws lake house....I know all those little communities you enjoy so much because we enjoy traveling through them as we head to Sunrise Beach. My in-laws house is at mile marker 27...what mile marker are you guys at?
    Kelli Hays
