Friday, April 24, 2009

2 month check-up

Ryan had his 2 month check-up yesterday and is a very healthy not-so-little, little guy. He weighed 13 pounds, 3 ounces and was 23.5 inches long. He got his immunizations yesterday and was fine until last night when he became a very unhappy camper but he was feeling better by this morning. He's really changed the last week and is much more interactive. He also kicks his legs constantly so if we hold him steady, he'll loves to stand.

This week I started back to work part-time and will then return full-time after Memorial Day. I'm ready to start working again but thankful it's only part-time so that I have the opportunity to ease into it and have a while to make the transition. Tuesday I attended an all-day conference so Ryan spent the day with Grandma Jane and they played all day long. He absolutely loves her and just coos, smiles and reacts to all her fun stories, songs and games. Todd is out of town this weekend at the Centurions leadership program's annual trip so my mom is here to help watch Ryan while I worked yesterday then have a girls' weekend with my college friend Sunny.

(getting completely over stimulated, but he seems to enjoy it for 5-10 minutes)

(standing with mom in one of my cute pass-down outfits from the Gingrich family; Ryan has a huge wardrobe and a room full of toys thanks to our many generous friends and family)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Dad's Office & Camdenton Dogwood Festival

Last week we visited Todd at the office. Everyone enjoyed seeing the little guy (who's not so little anymore) and we had fun joining Todd for lunch. His 2 month appointment is this week so we'll soon find out just how big Ryan is getting. While at the lake this weekend, we drove into Camdenton Saturday to check out their annual Dogwood Festival. It was a quaint little fair set up in the Middle School parking lot and made for a nice outting, but didn't hold a candle to the Cole Camp Fair which we've taken a liking to in the fall. Luckily, the nice ladies from Cole Camp who make hand-dipped corn dogs were also at this event which made the trip completely worth while.
(with dad at work)

(at the Camdenton Dogwood Festival)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Opening Day!

Todd and I went to the Royals' Opening Day last Friday. We had a great time with our friends and loved the new K. Aunt Mic watched Ryan that day and he even got to visit the Horton kids' school for an event of Katie's that afternoon. Ryan then spent the evening with Grandma and Grandpa A. They took the little guy to the lake and watched him all night. Yes, Todd and I got a full night's rest for the first time since he arrived! We can't thank Steve and Jane enough for that wonderful treat. This is my last week of maternity leave before returning part time so we've been running lots of errands and enjoying every minute of awake time together.

(Ryan watching the Royals' first televised game last week with Jeff & Kelli)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sip and See

This past weekend, my sister Michelle and sister-in-law Kristen hosted a Sip and See shower for Ryan and me. I was fortunate that so many family members could attend and had a wonderful time catching up with my aunts, cousins and my cousin's little ones.

(with the hostesses, my sister Michelle and sister-in-law Kristen)

(with the Woodman clan from Wichita:
Ryan's wife Jennie, cousin Mandy, cousin Beth and Aunt Sally)

(with my cousin Cassie and Aunt Mary from Denver who stayed the weekend with us)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Just Chillin'

Ryan has become quite adept at holding his head up this week so we've had fun trying out some "tummy time" toys and the Bumbo. His little legs are getting stronger too and if we hold his upper body he'll hold himself up and even stand up from a sit. While this is pretty cute, it also helps resolve his ever-present gas issue. Our friends Zach and Claire were over this week to hang out and Ryan totally took to them. He and Zach just chilled on the couch together for a good hour.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Ryan has now been able to meet all of his Kansas cousins and we know we'll see our Colorado and Texas cousins as soon as our travel schedules cross. Below are pictures of them all.

Katie (9), Maggie (8) and Jon (5) Horton - Overland Park
Olivia (6) and Jack (4) Ryan - Lawrence
Isaac (2) and Tessa (3 mo.) Nap - Brighton, CO (Denver)
Finley (1) and Parker (3 weeks) Knoettgen - Maple Hill

(Ryan's 4-legged cousins in San Antonio with Aunt Ali)

KU Game and Daddy Time

I didn't get around to posting this over the weekend but I figured it was better late than never. We went to the Koons' house last Friday to watch the Jayhawks play their Sweet Sixteen game. We had fun with them as always and Henry even picked out a book to read to Ryan; it was pretty cute.

(note the KU hat - thank you Kelsey Gowin!)

Ryan went through several days of being very fussy from about 6-10 at night which was rough since that's the time Todd gets to spend with him during the week. Fortunately, his spirits improved the last few nights and he and Todd have been able to share some good, quality time together.

Trip to Topeka

Ryan and I headed westward Wednesday to visit my coworkers in Topeka then see the Knoettgen family in Maple Hill (which is right outside of Topeka). It was wonderful to see all my coworkers again and we enjoyed a nice visit. KAC is having a successful legislative session, and I'm very proud of the good work they've accomplished.

(a few of my coworkers with Ryan)

After leaving the office, we went to Maple Hill where my step-brother Grant's family lives. He and his wife Amber just had a little boy, Parker, on March 12th. I had a nice time catching up with Amber, meeting baby Parker and playing with his big sister Finley. We were able to get a picture of the kids together just before Ryan woke up and started to melt down prompting our return to KC.

(Finley, Parker and our sleepy chunky monkey)