Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween

I insist on dressing Ryan and Callie up together for Halloween so last year he was a monkey and she was a banana. This year, Ryan seemed much less willing to wear any sort of head wear or any other sort of strange contraptions so he went as a Royals player and Callie was the perfect Slugger mascot. We went to the Goff's house for Halloween along with the Walter's and some others and the little boys were a super cute little bunch of trick or treaters. Ryan didn't fully understand the concept but he followed the big boys around pretty well.

Despite the fact Ryan is getting more molars in and has also reached the stage of terrible two tantrums, we've had a good past couple weeks. He says new words everyday and loves to identify his farm animals each night when he and Daddy read together. Some words require significant interpretation, whereas others like "cake" and "bite" (which he was quick to say last night) come out conveniently clear. He also reached in to Kelli's fruit bowl, took out an apple and started eating it skin and all which was insanely cute and great because I've got way better things to do with my time than peel apples. And the cutest of all is watching him get a ride from Henry on Henry's battery-operated four-wheeler. He's quick to hop on, holds on tight and is smiles the whole time. He's so interested in watching Henry and trying to do what he does, and Henry is a great role model for him. It's so fun to see them finally be able to play together.

Ryan continues to be a very physical child and has started to do butt bounces on the ground. Sometimes he does it for fun and sometimes it's what he does with a tantrum. It seems like it would hurt but the diaper must provide just the right amount of padding to carry on with such ridiculousness.

Our child care provider took a couple vacation days so Ryan got to spend some quality time with Papa and Mimi and Popo and Grandma. He got lots of good love and attention and didn't grace them with a single tantrum. And we are extremely thankful to have the help of grandparents!

Tonight Ryan snuggled on the couch with Daddy and
watched part of the World Series. Maybe someday
they'll be cheering on the Royals in late October!

Our trick-or-treating group: Jack Walter in front, then
Hudson Walter, Gage Goff, Ryan and Mason Goff in back.

With cousins Jon, Katie and Maggie

Snuggling with Grandma and Popo
(while eating an apple and giving his "cheese" smile)

This next video was too cute not to post. We read "Red Hat, Green Hat" frequently, but tonight he thought it was funny when Daddy got to the "oops" part.

1 comment:

  1. Jax is also into butt bouncing! Ha!

    Love your pictures and video.
