Monday, March 23, 2009

First Lake Trip

We loaded up the car Friday and looked as though we could have been heading out on a Lewis & Clark expedition. Ryan did great on the car ride to the lake and is at that wonderful stage where his alertness doesn't stand a chance against a moving car (or boat). Both Todd's parents were on spring break so they were at the lake also and Ryan got some quality grandparent time with them and their good friends the Lutz's (who are our newest neighbors at the lake) and the Irvins. We took the boat out for the first time this season and Ryan took his inaugural boat ride. This weekend, we also introduced a bottle at night and it was a huge hit. He was a glutton and worked up a sweat getting every last drop. It was a great weekend and we look forward to returning in a few weeks.


  1. Somehow I knew you guys would be those fantastic parents who totally continue life as they've known it when baby arrives. Kudos to you! And look how big he's getting!!!

  2. He's such a cutie! Please let me know when you are back in the area visiting - I'd love to come meet him!

  3. How fun! Man, I hope this whole baby/parent thing is as easy as you guys make it sound!! :-)


  4. that's awesome. looks like fun!! -ann
