Saturday, January 14, 2012

Happy New Year

We brought in the New Year at the lake with lots of friends - the Koons, Riggins and Collins. There were 5 little boys and one sweet little girl trying to keep up with the big boys. The weather was gorgeous and unseasonably warm so they spent lots of time outside playing and we enjoyed a bon fire for New Year's Eve. Kelli bought party favors and sparkling juice for the boys and taught them how to celebrate the New Year (at about 9:00 of course). It was hilarious. They all counted down but when we said Happy New Year they just stared at us in confusion. We tried it a second time and they picked up on it then. The funnier part was probably the adults outnumbering them all holding their various electronic devices jockeying for the best angle to capture the moment.

Anna Collins and Ryan in front then Cade Riggin, Charlie Collins, Jake Riggin and Henry Koons in back.

Henry giving Ryan a ride on the John Deere. Henry is so good with him and is such a good big brother figure. Charlie has a battery-operated Jeep and there are a couple other riding toys so it was great watching all the little boys driving around together.

Which led to the big boys feeling left out so they got out their own toy and wedged 3 grown men and 5 little boys into one regular-sized Jeep for a ride around the property.

We exchanged Christmas gifts with Henry and Ryan received a Lightning and Mater costume that make noise which were a big hit!

Who doesn't love a good bath time mo-hawk picture?

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