Sunday, January 16, 2011

Grandparents, Drumming and Boats

Ryan has had several different viruses on again and off again since starting school a couple months ago but fortunately, many of the days he can't go to school he gets to stay with Mimi and Papa who take wonderful care of him. Unfortunately he got Mimi sick:( but she's finally on the mend.

A couple weekends ago, he got to see all of my family at cousin Olivia's birthday. As always, Ryan had fun with his cousins and loved playing on cousin Jack's new bunk bed and with his new drumset. Popo and Grandma were in town watching the Horton cousins so he got to spend some quality time with them, including a snow day.

Later that weekend we attended the Boat and Sport Show downtown and Ryan had fun crawling around on all the boats, in the RVs and Club Cars. It was a good time but we were reminded of how much our lives have changed from the days when just Todd and I would go and stay for 3-4 hours and see every boat and RV at the show.

Ryan hadn't ever attempted to watch a full-length movie until recently when we had a movie exchange at Christmas and received several. He has fallen in love with the movie Cars and asks to, "watch Cars show" multiple times a day. We don't say yes every time but thank goodness he chose to like a good movie that adults don't mind watching either. He immediately found the Cars toys at the Horton's house, and Papa put a huge Lightening McQueen decal on the wall above his bed at Mimi and Papa's house which he was absolutely in love with.

He is finally healthy again this week and has been such a joy. He's talking up a storm and repeats everything we say. He changes everyday and has definitely transitioned from baby to boy.

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