Monday, March 29, 2010

First Boat Ride of the Season

Although the forecast had called for rain and overcast weather all weekend, it was a beautiful, sunny weekend at the lake so took full advantage of finally getting to spend more time outdoors. Grandpa Steve picked up a newer fishing boat this weekend so we took it out a couple times for our first boat ride of the season. Ryan loved it on Saturday but was not nearly such a fan on Sunday. The good news is that he didn't mind the life jacket, although I'm sure that battle awaits us in a couple months. He is growing up so rapidly, and it's amazing to see the transformation from week to week. He says "more" now when he eats and is very interested in trying to repeat words. Rarely does he say the actual word, but he's usually pretty close on the syllables and inflection. He has also started to run and pick his nose. Not at the same time, but I'm sure that will be next.

getting shoulder rides from Grandpa who he calls Papa

playing with his car carrier which was a
birthday gift from the Collins family

playing with his best friend Callie

driving, and riding on, Grandpa's new boat

Todd on his first trip to the Ozarks
Somebody looks an awful lot like his daddy!

Another momentous occasion for our family -
the first televised Royals game of the season.
(Thank you Koons for Ryan's awesome jersey!)


  1. So fun! He's getting so big! You'll have a lot of fun this summer with him - he's at a fun age (although they are all fun, for different reasons) :)

  2. so adorable-love all the pics and special moments! he does look just like todd at that age! how fun! this age is so fun! enjoy it! he looks so cute driving the boat!
