the first televised Royals game of the season.
(Thank you Koons for Ryan's awesome jersey!)
getting his first hair cut,
although it was more of a light trim
helping himself to an apple in the fridge
while we were making dinnerMaking some music while pointing his finger -
just like Grandma Jane does!
Loving on Callie - she's so patient and good with him.
We're very lucky to have the best dog in the world!
At Tanner's with Lindsey Jackson and Melissa Mudd
Saturday, we went to the Brookside St. Patty's Day Warm-up Parade. Ryan didn't seem to notice there was a parade going on but Todd and I enjoyed ourselves and saw several friends there. Afterwards, our friends (and neighbors) the Marcanos, who have a 3 month-old, came over and we had a nice, lazy evening just hanging out.
Not worry, they didn't see anything in appropriate to get those beads.
Since we're not home too often on the weekends, Sunday was our day to clean the house, get the porch cleaned up to use again and run errands. Nothing exciting, but necessary none-the-less.
Monday we had dinner over at the Cromwells and Callie got to join us. Their kids are 4 and 6 and were eager to give Callie and Ryan lots of attention. They're expecting a baby sibling (who they've lovingly named Baby Woo Woo) in September so they were especially helpful with Baby Ryan and he had a ball trying to keep up with them. Ryan has also become an even bigger fan of Callie these days and will pet her if you ask him to. He'll of course then dive on her and stick his little pointers in her eyes, but it starts out sweet and cute.
Thank goodness for Isaac who kept a helpful eye on Ryan
as he tried to get into everything at their house and
put anything within reach into his mouth. Caroline loving on Callie
playing with Grandpa Steve's radio control truck
Caroline Wanamaker (18 mo.), Ryan (12 mo.), Jasper Gingrich (4), Emerson Gingrich (2)
After brunch, we headed to Hudson Walter's 3rd birthday party at Little Monkey Bizness. Ryan's never been to a play place like that so it was interesting to watch him check everything out. He didn't think much of the bouncy house but loved climbing on everything and going down the kiddy slides. It was so cute to see him sitting in a big boy chair and eating cake. He's usually one of the youngest ones at get togethers, but tries so hard to keep up and loves watching the big kids.
Going down the slide head first - how else would it be done?