Tuesday, June 2, 2009

First Swim

First of all, sorry for the lack of pictures but our camera started acting up shortly before Ryan was born and officially now only takes video and no pictures. We're in the process of getting another but havne't gotten around to it yet and are bumming off other peoples' cameras in the mean time.

We have a pool at the lake now and Ryan went for his first swim. The water was pretty cold and he didn't love it, but didn't hate it right away either. I don't know if I'd call it a success but he did okay and lasted about 10 minutes before he'd had enough.

The little guy decided a few weeks ago that he didn't care for breast milk any longer so we've been transitioning to all formula and he's actually been sleeping better and less fussy overall. He usually sleeps about 7 hours, eats and goes back to bed for a couple hours which has been great. Of course, once we tell people this, he goes back to having a shorter night and fusses just to keep us on our toes. Little stinker. We continue working on tummy time but he is definitely not a fan so his head is still pretty flat and he hasn't even hinted at rolling over. He has however discovered his voice and has started to mimic a little, too.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, I LOVED the carp video! The guys' giggling at the end was classic. Mr. Ryan is getting so big! It's funny that he doesn't enjoy tummy time... neither of mine have been big fans. Emerson's head was so big she couldn't lift it off the floor for the longest time! Can't wait to see new pictures of him.
