Ryan had his 2 month check-up yesterday and is a very healthy not-so-little, little guy. He weighed 13 pounds, 3 ounces and was 23.5 inches long. He got his immunizations yesterday and was fine until last night when he became a very unhappy camper but he was feeling better by this morning. He's really changed the last week and is much more interactive. He also kicks his legs constantly so if we hold him steady, he'll loves to stand.
This week I started back to work part-time and will then return full-time after Memorial Day. I'm ready to start working again but thankful it's only part-time so that I have the opportunity to ease into it and have a while to make the transition. Tuesday I attended an all-day conference so Ryan spent the day with Grandma Jane and they played all day long. He absolutely loves her and just coos, smiles and reacts to all her fun stories, songs and games. Todd is out of town this weekend at the Centurions leadership program's annual trip so my mom is here to help watch Ryan while I worked yesterday then have a girls' weekend with my college friend Sunny.

(getting completely over stimulated, but he seems to enjoy it for 5-10 minutes)

(standing with mom in one of my cute pass-down outfits from the Gingrich family; Ryan has a huge wardrobe and a room full of toys thanks to our many generous friends and family)