Friday, January 23, 2009

Welcome to our family's blog.

Well, I have taken a cue from several of my friends and decided to start a blog so that others can stay up-to-date with what's going on in KC (but mostly Baby A!). I have good intentions of keeping it current and interesting which is partly why I waited this long to start it. When it's just Todd and me to report on, it would have been the same post week after week - went to work, went to the lake. But as we inch closer to meeting the newest member of our family, there are more exciting things going on that you may or may not be interested in. That's the beauty of the blog, you only have to visit this site if you want and I won't be inundating you with emails full of pictures. Not that I'm promising not to send any, I just won't inundate you:).


  1. We LOVE this blog!
    Grandma and Grandpa "A"

  2. This is Great! I like the bedding and was wondering what color you are painting his "room" at the Lake!!

    Auntie M
