Tuesday, February 24, 2009

He's Here!

Ryan Todd Abplanalp - February 23rd, 2009
10:23 p.m. - 7 lb 3oz - 19 inches

Ryan Todd Abplanalp arrived 11 days early and the whole family is doing well. We were planning on heading to a doctor's appointment Monday morning, and my water broke about the time our alarm went off so we headed to the hospital to have a baby instead of a check-up. Luckily we had packed everything the day before so we were prepared, and I was feeling no contractions so we were able to take our time and shower and get a bite to eat before leaving. All in all, I was in labor for 15 and half hours but the first four I didn't feel anything and the middle eight I had the perfect epidural that eased the contraction pain but allowed me to have complete control of my legs and just the right amount of sensation. Unfortunately, the last three hours were pretty trying but well worth it for our healthy baby boy. My sciatica pain was unbearable and pretty much unaffected by the epidural so it worked against my pushing. I ended up pushing for almost three and half hours and he was delivered using forceps so I will take longer to heal but am okay and moving around 24 hours later. Ryan didn't have any forcep marks and his originally oddly shaped head from the birth normalized within several hours. He's feeding well and has had lots of visitors.


  1. He's so precious! Congrats! Glad to hear everyone is doing well!

  2. We are so glad Ryan's here - congratulations and let us know if you need anything. He is ADORABLE and his room looks great, too! - the Gingrich's

  3. Hi Allison,
    I came upon your blog from Ann's and I just wanted to say "CONGRATS!" I love the name!

  4. The newly created Abplanalp family looks beautiful!!! I love the middle picture where Ryan's eyes are open. You all look great! Survived the tramatic and emotional event with smiles. Can't wait to meet him. Love, Aunt Mary

  5. Congratulations! Has reality set in yet? We're looking forward to meeting our new cousin. :) Love, Cassie, Garrett & Ethan

  6. Congratulations!!! He's so perfect!!! And great timing on getting the room done!! Hee hee!

    Glad to know you are all doing well!!!
    Sandy :-)

  7. By the way, hope I look as good as you after going through birth! Holy cripes - best lookin' mom I've seen yet!! :-)

  8. He is so cute. Your family looks gorgeous! Can't wait to meet him.
    xoxoxo Therese

  9. Oh my, what a beautiful boy! Enjoy these precious first few days with him, and make sure to take lots of video. So excited for you!

  10. yeah!! CONGRATS!! by the way......you look freaking AWESOME!! good work mama!! take care.

  11. Congratulations you two! Can't wait to meet him. Maybe next weekend when I am in town Kelsey and I can stop over.

    Take care and let us know if you need anything.


  12. Yeah! Boys are fun, full of energy and naughty! Oh so naughty! Can't wait till Ryan is`Weston's age and to hear your reaction to the obsession with the male parts that come with potty training! God Bless you, Jericho
