Friday, February 13, 2009

Fully Cooked

Well, Baby A is officially fully cooked! We had our 37 week check-up today and all is still well and boring. He has rotated so his feet are now kicking my left side instead of my right side but he continues to be head down but hasn't dropped yet. I enjoyed a wonderful prenatal massage yesterday thanks to my friends Austyn and Brandy who treated me to a gift certificate for one as a birthday gift. I'm still swimming several times a week and love being in the water - I secretly hope it's somehow pre-conditioning Baby to like the water, too!

1 comment:

  1. Allison - glad you're still feeling good...I'm sure you're getting anxious to meet this little guy! Swimming was great for me too during my pregnancy - you feel so lightweight! Good luck with these last couple weeks!
