Tuesday, February 24, 2009

He's Here!

Ryan Todd Abplanalp - February 23rd, 2009
10:23 p.m. - 7 lb 3oz - 19 inches

Ryan Todd Abplanalp arrived 11 days early and the whole family is doing well. We were planning on heading to a doctor's appointment Monday morning, and my water broke about the time our alarm went off so we headed to the hospital to have a baby instead of a check-up. Luckily we had packed everything the day before so we were prepared, and I was feeling no contractions so we were able to take our time and shower and get a bite to eat before leaving. All in all, I was in labor for 15 and half hours but the first four I didn't feel anything and the middle eight I had the perfect epidural that eased the contraction pain but allowed me to have complete control of my legs and just the right amount of sensation. Unfortunately, the last three hours were pretty trying but well worth it for our healthy baby boy. My sciatica pain was unbearable and pretty much unaffected by the epidural so it worked against my pushing. I ended up pushing for almost three and half hours and he was delivered using forceps so I will take longer to heal but am okay and moving around 24 hours later. Ryan didn't have any forcep marks and his originally oddly shaped head from the birth normalized within several hours. He's feeding well and has had lots of visitors.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

His Room is Ready

We spent the weekend finishing up the nursery and, while his room is ready, and I don't know if Todd and I are yet. We're anxious to meet the little guy and the reality is starting to set in the closer we get, but it's still pretty surreal that we'll be adding to our family in a few weeks.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Fully Cooked

Well, Baby A is officially fully cooked! We had our 37 week check-up today and all is still well and boring. He has rotated so his feet are now kicking my left side instead of my right side but he continues to be head down but hasn't dropped yet. I enjoyed a wonderful prenatal massage yesterday thanks to my friends Austyn and Brandy who treated me to a gift certificate for one as a birthday gift. I'm still swimming several times a week and love being in the water - I secretly hope it's somehow pre-conditioning Baby to like the water, too!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Birthing Class

Well, we spent the beautiful, sunny, 70-degree weather last Saturday at the hospital taking our birthing class. While we were less than thrilled to be indoors for 6 hours, we did find the information useful and are glad we went. We followed it up with a long trip to Loose Park with Callie to enjoy a little bit of the weather.

We will be delivering at St. Joseph hospital and have yet to pack any bags. We're headed to the lake this weekend to have some time to ourselves before Baby arrives, then plan to spend our last two weekends packing bags, getting diapers, etc... Our rocker did finally arrive yesterday and there are a few finishing touches to be put on the nursery so I'll post some pictures next week.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Work Showers

Todd's co-workers at King Hershey hosted a nice shower for us at his office this past week. We received lots of cute clothes and enjoyed a great lunch.

A week and a half ago, my co-workers at KAC surprised me with a wonderful shower. They had an adorable cake and gave us our diaper bag, lots of great books and many other useful gifts.

Everyone has been so nice and thoughtful. We really appreciate everyone's generosity.

The shower at Kansas Action for Children.

The shower at King Hershey.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Couple's Shower

Our great friends Jeff & Kelli Koons hosted a wonderful couple's shower for us this past weekend. Kelli is the hostess with the mostess (and Jeff plays along nicely:) and truly out did herself this time. From the antique toys on the tables, to the "buffet" of our favorite candy, to great food and drinks from Il Centro it was a fantastic party and a special night for us. We are grateful so many of our good friends and family were able to join us and really appreciate everyone's generosity - Baby A is totally set now.

Among the many gifts Baby A received, my step-sister Erin
made a custom painting with his name that matches the bedding.