1) Our sweet little monkey made good on his likeness by flinging poo all over his "bedroom" at the lake while he was supposed to be napping. Yes, this is the moment other moms have warned me about. Todd came within 15 feet of his door and smelled the unwelcome and oh-so-identifiable odor of baby poop and we opened up the door to find a naked little guy who didn't like the feel of the poopy diaper he was wearing so he took matters into his own hands - in a most unpleasant way. Team Abplanalp went into action with Dad swiftly taking a poopy toddler to the bath tub to hose down every square inch of that cute little guy while I was on poop removal detail from the carpet, bedding, walls, door and frog boots. All that being said, it could have been much worse.
2) After 5 years of driving to and from the lake in deer county, we finally had a literal run-in with one. Not pleasant, but like the poop flinging, it could have been much worse. Fortunately we were able to remove part of the bumper and drive on home preventing our family (including a toddler and a dog) along with a car load of belongings from being stuck on the highway an hour from home at 9pm on a Sunday night.
3) The only thing that IS picture worthy is a Ryan-sandwich, but it involves the whole family so we haven't gotten a picture of it yet. It's just a basic big bear hug between Mom and Dad with Ryan in the middle but he can't get enough of them and we lovingly oblige with as many as he asks for. Tonight we had his 2 year photos taken and I think Mark may have gotten some visual evidence of the Ryan-sandwich so eventually we'll have pictures to share.