We've had a great month with lots of fun experiences for Ryan. We hit the pumpkin patch in Lawrence and his favorite part by far was the tractor ride so we made multiple trips back and forth from the barn to the patch o' pumpkins. And not quick trips I might add. At the lake last weekend we went hiking at Ha Ha Tonka State Park. It's one of our favorite places and Ryan was old enough to do lots of exploring and rock climbing/jumping this time around. We also went to Charlie's birthday party, had a couple play dates, went to the Renaissance Festival and got the best toy ever... a train table! He's totally taken to trains so Todd picked up a table on Craig's List and it has been a great addition to the house.
He didn't understand what Halloween was so I took him to Target to pick out his costume and he chose Buzz Lightyear. We then did a trick-or-treating trial run at the lake last weekend so he could understand what was going to take place Monday and after he got candy at the first of the three houses, he took off in a dead sprint for the next one. We joined the Koons and Allen families to trick-or-treat and he had a ball following the bigger boys around. Henry is always so good, helpful and patient with him and Ryan just eagerly follows his every move.
His favorite things as of late are:
- Thomas and Friends
- Buzz and Woody
- Cars
- Clifford the Big Red Dog
- dinosaurs
- snuggling with Daddy in the morning
- using tools and the vacuum
- collecting rocks (and sneaking them into his pockets)
- getting Mickey stickers when he's good and putting them on his back
- sleeping on the floor instead of in his toddler bed
He weighed 34 pounds when he just got his flu shot and has started toddler PE/sports at school and actually tries to step while throwing - it's pretty cute. He's said some funny things lately but the best was while I was carrying him during a recent hiking trip.
Mommy: [feeling a rumbling on my arm] "Ryan, did you toot?"
Ryan: "No!"
Mommy: "Are you sure?"
Ryan: "Yes. I tooted and peed!"
Every time we come down the hill into our lake house Ryan exclaims, "There it is, there's the lake, I found it!" Well, when he woke up last weekend it was very foggy and when he looked outside he got this concerned look on his face and asked, "Where'd the lake go? I can't find it."
Ryan's school pictures - we were so excited to see that he actually
cooperated for not just one, but two pictures. He looks so grown up:(

Buzz, Woody and Mommy
at the castle ruins up on the bluffs at Ha Ha Tonka State Park
playing on the big rocks under the natural bridge
Callie was so happy to go hiking and got to do lots of exploring outside the last couple weekends at the lake.
Ryan driving the boat one last time before we winterized it.
It's Henry the Eighth at the Ren Fest
Now that our basement is finally finished, the train table has a new home
out of our living room and downstairs!
With Abby, Jake and Cade at Charlie's birthday party. Every picture I have includes a large pile of children on the bounce house. They had so much stinking fun!