Ryan has been changing by leaps and bounds. He started taking steps a few weeks ago and is walking now like such a big boy. He also says "dog" and "dada" fairly reliably, and will neigh like a horse, clap or wave good bye if you ask him. Then again he's also fairly reliable at eating toilet paper, putting his fingers in outlets and beginning each day by head-butting something:) He stopped wanting his bottle this last week and eating solids as if he has a hollow leg. He likes to chew on the sippy but unfortunately won't drink from it yet so we're working on trying to get enough liquid in him each day.
After a brief hiatus from the lake in December, we've made it back down the past three weekends. It was beautiful down there with all the snow and was warm enough this past weekend that we enjoyed a fair bit of time outside. We also got to see our friends the Riggins and Collins's and it was fun to watch all our little boys play together. Ryan absolutely loves bath time so we hope his affinity for water continues and he enjoys being a lake baby this summer.
here's Ryan walking over at the Riggins' (with a lego in his mouth)
I was having trouble uploading the video so if you can't view it, it's also posted on FB at http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/video/video.php?v=1328309375921.