Monday, June 6, 2011

Lake & Wichita

We've had some great weekends at the lake this past month. Our friends the Seymours visited and Ryan got to enjoy some good playing with Harrison who just turned one. He's also been able to play with Jake and Cade Riggin pretty regularly at the lake, and we're excited they're moving to Lee's Summit so they'll be closer during the weeks.

While Todd had a guys' weekend at the lake, Ryan and I visited my aunt and uncle, cousins and their kiddos in Wichita. I always loved our play weekends together when we were kids and I'm glad that we're able to do the same with our children now. It was a nice low-key weekend and the kids had a great time playing together, especially when we went swimming.

Ryan continues to become more independent and has taken an interest in pottying like a big boy and he went poop twice in potty at school on Friday so we've officially begun the early stages of potty training. He's also staying up later these days and mimicking older kids. While at Aunt Sally's in Wichita, he hopped on the Bell's old bike with training wheels and cruised down the driveway, made the turn at the bottom then came to a rest in the yard. Considering that was his first time on a bike, I think we're going to get a balance bike so he can work on that part of riding. Also, last week cousin Katie babysat Ryan for the first time and did fantastic. She's a natural and Ryan loved his afternoon with her.

At Frankie and Louie's at the Lake of the Ozarks.
The ornery look on his face is classic Ryan.

Being silly with Daddy.

Playing bubbles with his second cousins in Wichita.
(Parker, Ryan, Bell and Tyler - Carter and Graham were out of range)

Riding Bell's bike at Aunt Sally's:

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