Sunday, November 29, 2009

Thanksgiving & Christmas in Clay Center

We just returned from a long weekend in Clay Center to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas with my mom, siblings and their families. Ryan had a wonderful time playing with his older cousins, and we enjoyed getting to catch up with the adults. For Christmas, Ryan got lots of toys and books and a fun fire engine that will provide hours of entertainment.

getting assistance on his first fire engine ride

playing with his new front-loader

trying to be one of the big kids

Ryan with his two favorite babysitters - cousins Katie and Maggie

enjoying naked baby time with Aunt Kristen and Aunt Michelle

Christmas picture with Nana
(Jon, Nana, Ryan, Jack, Olivia, Katie, Maggie)

not so found of Santa

1 comment:

  1. His expression in the naked baby pic is hilarious! And your hair is SO LONG!!! It's so pretty.

    Glad you got to experience the Thanksgiving/Christmas holiday with lots of nieces & nephews, too! They're all so cute together.
