Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Flat Head

We've noticed that Ryan's head is very flat and we hoped that since he's been off it during the day it might start rounding out but unfortunately it hasn't changed. So, we saw a specialist just to make sure since this is the time for an issue to get fixed if there is something medically incorrect. He does have positional plagiocephaly which means there's some asymetry to the shape of his head (looking downward on his head, but not looking at him straight on from the front). The doctor thinks it developed that way because of pressure to one side more than the other against my pelvis in utero (hence the siatica from 5 mo. on). He doesn't think it will merit a helmet but has advised us to give him 2 to 3 hours of tummy time a day. This is so he'll learn to roll over soon and we can put him to sleep on his tummy rather than his back. The poor little guy has certainly improved at being on his tummy but still screams bloody murder after 5-10 minutes of it. He's more agreeable to tummy time on the Boppy pillow than flat on the floor and does okay if he's on an ottoman looking at us eye-level and there's constant entertainment and distraction on our part. So, we're working on it but are far from the recommended 3 hours a day. We see the specialist in a month and will have another update then.


  1. Prayers that helps his situation & that he starts tolerating tummy time a little better!

  2. It's totally common for babies to hate tummy time -- they're just not used to it. The 2-3 hours is a lot of pressure, but every few minutes will help. Here is a video with more tummy time ideas to help him tolerate it more. Hope it helps & good luck!

  3. sounds just like jasper's funky shaped melon. we said no to the helmet, and he turned out OK. one thing that worked for us was to get musical/noisy toys that jasper liked and ONLY used them during tummy time. also singing to him during that time was fun. - amy
