Friday, June 12, 2009

Under the Weather

Ryan woke up with a fever this morning and didn't eat normally yesterday so we took a trip to the doctor and found out he has an ear infection. We're glad that's all though because Todd had the stomach flu earlier this week and we assumed he might have gotten that. They weighed and measured him while we were there and his stats at 15 1/2 weeks are:

weight = 17 lbs, 3 oz (94th percentile)
height = 26.75 in. (98th percentile)

So, he's gained exactly 10 pounds since birth and Jane just dug up Todd's baby stats which are very similar. At 17 weeks Todd was 17 lbs, 14 oz and 26.5 inches so he not only looks like his dad, he's growing like him, too.

1 comment:

  1. Big 'ole boy! Enjoy having a baby in the 90th percentiles... you'll never wonder whether he's getting enough to eat. :)
